Wednesday, 28 November 2012

27/11/12 Love, Now episode 17 真愛趁現在 第十七集

27/11/12 Love, Now episode 17 真愛趁現在 第十七集

In all honestly I was quite disappointed with this episode... After the confession I was hoping that we would see more of Annie and George but I think there was only 10 minutes of them together...
Nonetheless I think that this was because we need to see the part where George initiates the pursuing plan!
I am starting to doubt whether or not Annie will actually really love George as much as he loves her :(
I was watching the bit where George's Aunty was talking to Annie's dad and talking about when George was younger... Did she not say or did I miss the bit where she says who the person who betrayed George was?!?!
I'm hoping that Bobby will help George and Annie to get together but then again we need the person to stir up the relationship haha.... Though the thing is I don't know how this drama is going to last 80 episodes, I just hope that it will be interesting and not just something they drag and drag...,
Sorry this is a bit of a short and moany entry but as not much happened with Annie an George there isn't much to say :(

What are your views on the drama so far, or right now?


  1. So far, love the drama but as you say maybe 80 episodes too long and might be draggy. Nonetheless, hope that the writer be able to give more substance and lovey dovey scene between Annie and George.

    1. when I was writing this, this was what I thought as well, but definitely keep reading or watching because there is definitely a lot more love to this story and really does work out for 72 episodes :)

  2. The scenes are short but telling. It focuses on Yi Ru's mental struggle between her feelings for Shi De and her distrust of her own feelings. It would not be too much to say that she was scared stiff about the strength of those feeling. :)
    First scene buried herself in work so as not to think about him. Second during interview where she was rubbing her fingers together when she told Shi De that the only relationship she wanted with him would be purely professional. She only does that finger rubbing bit when she's agitated.
    Third when she fell into a brown study in the middle of her work that night, it was obvious that she was thinking about him.
