Wednesday, 19 December 2012

19/12/12 Love, Now episode 30 真愛趁現在 第三十集

19/12/12 Love, Now episode 30 真愛趁現在 第三十集
Summary: The episode starts off with Annie's sister (Esther) at HaoSheng collecting the post, George's Auntie then treats her to coffee and asks her about her dad. Esther then sees George working and go and bothers him and starts teasing him. George then gets a text from Annie asking if he was free later on, he then smiles to himself... Esther teases him again about this and then she leaves. George is back in his office and he calls Annie, Annie then asks him on a date to go shopping later on.
Annie is then back at work and she then go and talks to her employees and they are all lacking in motivation and are all worried about Bobby still. Annie assure them that he will be fine.
After work Annie and George go on a date and they go to a store and start picking at gifts, Annie asks George to help him pick a bag, George initially thinks that its for Annie's Dad but it turns out that its for Bobby, George's face drops a little but Annie lightens up the mood. Annie picks a bag and George picks a bag, she takes both of them to pay. George is a little confused as to why she is buying two and Annie then says that one is for Bobby and one is for her boyfriend. George is very happy at this point and says that he will treasure the bag. George then asks Annie if he can go to her house tonight even though he doesn't have a lesson, Annie asks him why and George says he wants to introduce himself as her boyfriend, she agrees happily.
Bobby is at a restuarant waiting for Mandy and Mandy arrives, Bobby apologises for being drunk the previous night and thanks Mandy. Mandy then orders some food, bur Bobby refuses to eat. Mandy then identifies that his sorrow must be due to Annie making a decision. Bobby says that he used to hate men who were indecisive and who didn't face up to their feeling and he says that he cant believe that he has become one of those people. He then adds that he only realised at the last moment that the person he loved the most has always been right there by him all the time, and that it is too late to try and savour anything.
Mandy then asks Bobby what he has planned...Bobby says that he know Annie too well and that he knows that once Annie has made up her mind, she wont change... he says that he will let go and make her happy, because if he carries on like he is, all he is doing is making the situation harder for Annie and cause her more suffering. Mandy applauds Bobby and tells him that he is doing the right thing. Bobby then adds that he deserved this anyway so its the right outcome, he keeps beating himself up and keeps saying that he is the ultimate douche-bag of a guy. Mandy consoles him and jokes with him and says that he is the bad guy that pushes women to find real happiness, she then says that he isn't actually as bad as she thought and she doesn't want to hit him as much as she used to... Mandy then treats Bobby to a drink to celebrate all him starting anew.
George is at Annie's house, George and Annie's dad are sitting on the sofa and they don't say anything, its a bit of a tense and awkward situation. Annie finally brings the tea over and breaks the ice. George then says all the similar kind of stuff all guys say to girlfriend's dad about looking after their daughters. George adds that he is changing and he is achieving all the objective Annie's dad set for him to change. Annie's dad agree for them to be together upon one condition and that is that Bobby will be like his son so will be very involved with him and always be at his house. George immediately agrees and promises that he wont ever argue with Annie over Bobby. Esther then jumps in and asks to eat noodles. George offers to cook and he gets going. Esther then teases his dad and ask him if he is getting upset of losing Annie and he replies that no, he is happy when his daughter are happy.
George then sets to leave, before he leaves he asks Annie for a goodbye kiss... Annie tries to make a joke but George takes the mick from it and says its not funny... Annie tries to peck him on the cheek but he turn his head and they peck on the lips. They linger for a while longer and Annie finally returns to her room. When she gets in she find Esther looking at the bag she got for Bobby, Annie then explains that the bag is for Bobby and that she wanted to go and see him now. Esther then jumps in and says she wants to go too.
Bobby is really really drunk again and Mandy takes him home... he keeps mumbling to himslef about having to go to work. Just at this time Annie and Esther turn up at the door and the door isn't shut so they watch on. Mandy is trying to get Bobby to lay down but he keep sitting up and keeps saying that the main thing is Annie is happy and that her happiness is the main thing... Annie listens on and after Bobby lays down and stops talking Annie turns to leave... Esther then says to her sister that she noticed that Bobby really does love her and that he is not like himself anymore at all.
The next day Annie is back at work and yet again Bobby is not there. Annie is observing Bobby's empty chair and the teddy in the corner... Someone then comes into the office and he is the insurance guy. He then tells Annie that Bobby's personal insurance is also due (as well as the company's insurance), but all Bobby has to do is check the details and send it back, the insurance guy then leaves.
Annie then goes through the cupboards in her office to try and find the corresponding documents and to her surprise she realises that the beneficiary is her.
Bobby then finally comes back to his office... Annie immediately asks him why the beneficiary is her... Bobby tries to play it down and says he couldn't think of anyone else and also that it was set six years ago... Annie then starts talking about their relationship problem and Bobby keeps stating that they are family. Bobby then says that he was only acting all the way and that all he wanted to do was test whether or not George was really in love with Annie, when Bobby is about to cry he walks to his desk and carries on talking, he then says that acting was very tiring... he tries to play the whole situation off lightly and insists that he was just acting. He then adds that George is a good guy and Annie has got pull her weight. Annie can't help but cry...
Annie's phone then ring and it was George... Bobby urges her to pick up the  phone and Annie walks out of the room to answer the call... Bobby is still standing there and he is looking at her turned back and Bobby shed a tear... and everytimes he looks at Annie another tear just streams from his eyes uncontrollably.

What a deep episode... :'( really touching ending from Bobby... Bobby is actually quite a good guy now, I'm just hoping he doesn't go back to his old ways.... stay strong Bobby!!! if you stay this way there is bound to be a good girl for you :D... you will find true love too!!
But i love Annie and George's interaction... George was so sweet when he found out that Annie wanted to buy him a bag as well haha... I also feel George has been accepted into Annie's family :) I am really anticipating Annie meeting George's family and for Annie to realise that she has met his mother and grandmother before ...

The preview for tomorrow shows Bobby going to George's office to talk about Annie, Bobby says that he was just acting and he then tells George to treat Annie well... The next part of the preview show Annie taking the teddy bear (the one from the office) out of her bag and she is playing with it in front of her mouse at home, something then falls out of it and she bend down to pick it up and it turns out to be the ring :0:0

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