Monday 11 February 2013

6/2/13 Love, Now episode 57 真愛趁現在 第五十七集

6/2/13 Love, Now episode 57 真愛趁現在 第五十七集

Summary: Annie has left the hospital and she goes to the forest with the trees she and her mother planted... she reflects on the whole situation and then talks to the tree as if talking to her mother... Annie is really really upset and cannot stop her tears but she knows that she will have to toughen up and she promises herself that she will become stronger and get through this hardship... She tells her mum that she is ok and that she is very good... she tries to convince herself also that things will be fine... she gets up and thanks her mum for teaching her to be courageous and she leaves...
Annie arrives at the own home and looks for her dad and sister but it turns out that everyone is out... Annie then feels a sense of sorrow again... she walks around the house as to trace memories and just sits and thinks and reflects... she then speaks to the mouse/hamster and then goes into her dad's room and lies on his bed to feel his warmth and comfort...
Annie is in the kitchen now plating up some food...Annie's dad finally arrives home and is surprised to see her... Annie then asks her dad how he got over her mums death and he said it was hard but things just fell into place when he finally came round... Annie is crying and he dad asked her what the matter was and she clears her tears and turns to him and says that she has got cancer... her dad doesn't want to believe it and says that Annie is just trying to get him back for when he and Bobby tricked her about getting cancer in the past but she turns all serious and says that this time it was for real... her dad doesn't know how to take it in and denies in and gets up to go and make tea... he scrambles over the place and Annie just goes up to him and hugs him... Annie and her dad are both crying uncontrollably at this point and 'Dad' is just asking why it such an awful thing would happen to his daughter...
Esther is eating in the office with Bobby and George comes along to look for Annie but Bobby tells him that Annie hadn't come to work... George gets really concerned and he calls Annie... Annie is sitting on the sofa with her dad silently and when the phone rings she doesn't pick it up and just moves along the sofa restlessly... Her dad picks up the phone and tells George that things were ok and Annie just wanted to come home for dinner. Her dad moves closer to her and asks her if she wanted him to tell George but Annie says no and all she needed was a bit of time... and then they just sit there silently and Annie huddles into her dad to seek comfort.
The afternoon approaches and Annie is waiting for George outside his workplace... George comes down and says that he was really worried that she went missing this afternoon... Annie brushes it over and ask his on a date in the afternoon and he agree happily...
The couple go to a cafe and Annie explains that it is a private cafe for people who are affected by Cancer both patients and family... George thinks that it is for Annie's work and Annie doesnt correct him... they spend some time talking to different families... finally they walk hand in hand in the grounds and Annie starts talking about the families... George then says that their attitudes were right and that when faced with the problem of cancer, everyone should be courageous and should have a positive outlook... especially family members... George also mentions that the cancer suffer not only has the pain of the illness but also pain from the pain they are causing family and friends.... George then adds that family support is the most important and Annie then picks up from this and says 'that is why i need your support'... George turns to her and asks her what she means... she looks at him and tells him that she has uterine cancer... George cannot believe it and he just doesnt know how to process it... Annie tries to comfort him and says that it is early stages and that she is likely to get better from it... she says that all it will be will be pain when she is having it treated but then she will be fine... George just looks at Annie will a face of worry and all he can get out is... 'does dad know'... Annie looks at him with tears rolling down her eyes and says yes... Annie then says that it will all be fine and that she will recover... she says that with George's supports she will pull through... George is a bit lost for words and they just embrace each other. Annie says to George that they mustn't cry and have to smile and face this fight... George say yes but when they are embracing he cant help but shed a tear...
Annie and George arrive home and the family were all ready to celebrate his birthday... they sit down and light the candles on the birthday cake... they sing him Happy birthday and tell him to make 3 wishes... he says he want to combine the 3 wishes into one and he wishes that Annie can get better and that he and Annie could live happily ever after... George mum says that what he was saying was a bit weird and that George then stops everyone and then says that Annie had done a body check and it revealed that she has cancer... everyone is shocked to the core and Annie tries to calm things down and tries to look at George but he turns his head as his eyes are filled with tears...

OMG this was soooooo sad... i think breaking the news on such an illness is probably the hardest... i'll be honest I was most touched at the last revelation when George told the family... when he said his wish out loud i just uncontrollably cried... it was so heartbreaking.
I really hope she will get better soon!! please let the baby be fine as well... if something happens to the baby i literally will not want to think about everyones lives... this cancer has already shattered them...
please Annie... please get better!! <3

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