Monday 4 March 2013

28/2/13 Love, Now episode 70 真愛趁現在 第七十集

28/2/13 Love, Now episode 70 真愛趁現在 第七十集

Summary: Annie is 2 months from her due date now and both Annie and George are extremely excited for the baby to arrive... Mandy and Bobby are having their wedding photos done by XiaoWei, he looks really professional and the couple are really happy and lovey dovey together.
When Annie and George get home everyone asks then whether it was a boy or girl but Annie tells them that they didnt ask. The grandma is really eager to know and says that she doesn't want to have the bet any more and says that she wants to find out right away. George says to them that the longer they wait the more special the moment it will be.
Back at Bobby's office XiaoWei shows him his wedding shot and they look awful... the pictures either are blurred or cuts off half his face etc...Bobby gets really angry and is about to hit XiaoWei but it turns out that those were the bad pictures folder and then he shows Bobby the good ones and they are absolutely stunning... Next then George walks into the office and he asks Bobby about his bachelor party and Bobby agree immediately...
George goes home to Annie and tells her about Bobby saying yes... Annie then says she make sure he has a hard time... the baby then kicks Annie and George goes and gets the camcorder and starts recording again...
The next day is Bobby's bachelor party and George has to work again but Annie tells him not to be too late tonight. Bobby is at work and he tells everyone they should clear up and finish work... he is expecting everyone to want to leave early to help set up his party venue but they all tell him that George is responsible for everything.
Later on Bobby arrives at the venue and there is no one there... he phone up Annie and she tells him that it is seven and Bobby thought it was 8(when the party was meant to start), he then doesn't believe it and then phones up Esther and she says the same. Bobby is about to leave and then all his employees come in with all the decor and drinks and sets up, so Bobby watches that as well...
Later on... finally everyone has arrived but the party is so boring!!! there is no alcohol... Bobby wants to get some drinks but Annie says no and tells everyone that the party will end at 12... LOL
Finally Bobby just says he wants some fun and XiaoWei says there is something special... a girl comes out dressed as cat woman and just when things look as it it was heating up she ask her boss (George) is she could finish work now... George say yes and she just leaves... Bobby then just accepts his party and thanks them anyway... XiaoWei and Bobby's woman employee then sing the drama's ending song in Taiwanese...
The next day Bobby is getting dressed and suddenly his phone rings and Annie is on the line asking where he is... Bobby says he has plenty of time as its only about 8:40 but Annie tells him its 9:40... he looks at a clock and it say 9:40... Annie tells Bobby that XiaoWei is outside to pick him up... Bobby jumps on the car and they set off towards the venue... they are then met with traffic and the car also runs out of fuel... Bobby just gets off the car and runs and runs towards the venue... he finally makes it there and he is met in the room by everyone and they all shout surprise... he had been truly pranked!
XiaoWei actually made his phone one hour slower and they had basically been scheming this since yesterday!... Bobby then finds it all a joke but he is worried about his appearance and it turns out that Annie has got him a suit. He goes and has a shower and changes...
Next is the all important wedding... Bobby is standing at the alter and is waiting anxiously... finally the doors open and Mandy emerges, Annie's dad walks her down the aisle and she looks absolutely stunning... at the alter, Dad hands Mandy's hand to Bobby... Mandy and Bobby then exchange vows and rings... Bobby's mum is sitting in the pews and couldn't help but cry... They are officially pronounced husband and wife and share a kiss.
After they go outside... Aunt holds the bouquet and she is over the moon, she then accidently trips over Angus' foot and throw the bouquet and it lands in Vivi's hand and then everyone keep playing with the bouquet .. finally Aunt gets it back and after encouragement from her audience she advances on Annie and Esther's dad...

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